I love three day weekends, that extra day takes the edge off the rest of the week. That said, I think this should have been a four day weekend. It would have been fantastic if Emily could see the inaguration tomorrow. When you can witness history being made you need to cease the moment! Yes, school is important but life's lessons are important as well and I think this is a great lesson. We had a long conversation today about Martin Luther King Jr. and why this inauguration day is so special. Em understood as much as a seven year old could understand, and sighted "Hairspray" when I explained rights and equality. I know that's a musical...but it had an important message...and she was paying attention. :) We are entering a new phase in this country and I am getting on the "HOPE" bandwagon. I hope things get better, I hope we move in a positive direction, I hope we feel stronger...I hope our new President will stay as calm, cool and collected as he appears to be. I have faith in him and I wish him all the best as he jumps in with both feet. In less than 24 hours Barack Obama will be our 44th President and I look forward to watching him take the oath of office. Although my daughter will be in school, my Tivo is set and I'll happily watch it again with her so we can share and discuss this historical experience.(a friend of mine told me about this website http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fobamiconme.pastemagazine.com%2Fentries%2Fnew.html&h=a31992173cdc283ca8131a5e731c9aa8 where you can set up that poster. I thought it was cute and gave it a try. I then realized that this is the only photo I have posted of myself so far...so yes, that's me...maybe I'll post a more traditional photo soon) :)
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