Monday, January 4, 2010

One Little Word...2010

When the clock struck midnight on January 1st, my champagne glass was "half empty." While many look at the positive aspects of starting a fresh, new year (or a new decade in this case), I already had a giant lump in my throat. One minute in and I knew this year would be a challenging one and to be perfectly honest, I'm not looking forward to it.

I'm a worrier and I like to think of the "what ifs" way before things happen. It's an exhausting way to live, but that's how it's always been with me. Last night Liam was up at 5am (for no apparent reason) and I found myself going through my "stress list"...

  1. I don't like the speech therapist they want to assign to Liam. I know she's the wrong fit but what if another isn't available?
  2. Someone very close to me found out her cancer has returned. What if the surgery doesn't work this time?
  3. I'm turning 40. I'm turning 40. I'm turning 40. Crap.
  4. What if I NEVER lose this damn weight??
  5. The therapists all want to place Liam in a full day pre-school program in the fall. I don't want to go along with this. What if I don't like the place...or the teachers...or the program? What if I fight and make the wrong decision?
  6. What if Frank's show gets cancelled and he's out of a job...again?
As I was having my pre-dawn pity party, I decided check out some websites on my iPhone. My favorite "rock-stars" of the scrapbooking world are Becky Higgins (the brain behind "Project 365" and now "Project Life") and Ali Edwards. Ali introduced an interesting new concept a few days ago (well, it's new to me) called "One Little Word..." The idea is to choose a word to focus on throughout the entire year. A word that has the potential to make an impact on your life. This word should have meaning or be something you strive for. It will be a springboard for projects and inspirations for 365 days.

I think I need a word.

Several words came to mind...persevere, relax, serenity, breathe...but I needed something which will ground me. A word that will stop me for a moment and help me regroup. Then it came to me... "CALM". I like calm. The definitions are what sold me..."Make calm or still; "quiet the dragons of worry and fear"..."The state of being calm; peacefulness; absence of worry, anger, fear or other strong negative emotion." It's poetic.
What would YOUR word be?

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Calm would be my word for this year too. It seems like last year was a bit chaotic and I want this year to go by with less of the bs. Keeping you in my prayers. I will be working on #4 also. It's one of my fears too.